Game Sunday 9th December 2012
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Re: Game Sunday 9th December 2012
Heh, guess I'm playing with myself then.
Re: Game Sunday 9th December 2012
Sneakers wrote:Heh, guess I'm playing with myself then.
Business as usual then.
I'm still unsure If I can make it.
Re: Game Sunday 9th December 2012
I'm pretty much, almost, but not completely, 100% out.
Re: Game Sunday 9th December 2012
im in, it mit just be sneakers and i shooting each other lol
Re: Game Sunday 9th December 2012
Keen to roll up, assuming I can get a lift and assuming the game goes ahead. Finally sorted out 90% of my kit (plus bought a few more items from ebairsoft recently), so least I will have some gear of my own to use this time around.
Might need gas and bb's though (might also need to have my gun chrono'ed and hope like heck it doesn't shoot too hot, otherwise I'll need to hire a Club gun until I can get it sorted.)
Might need gas and bb's though (might also need to have my gun chrono'ed and hope like heck it doesn't shoot too hot, otherwise I'll need to hire a Club gun until I can get it sorted.)
Re: Game Sunday 9th December 2012
So are we doing tomorrow? if so in. +.25s
Re: Game Sunday 9th December 2012
Games canceled fellas, see you next week. 

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