TAG Outbreak 2012 - Saturday December 8th

Date: Saturday 8th December 2012
Start Time: 1700 hrs
End Time: 2200 hrs
Location: TAG CQB facility, Waterloo Road, Christchurch
Game Type: Milsim
Cost: $10 per player
TAG invites ASNZ players to an evening game at our CQB facility. The evening will start with a light BBQ (Sausages, bread and sauce) before the game kicks off at 1800. The game is a squad based milsim game, ammo will be limited and there will be Zombies.
Taking entries from squads of five, individuals (who will be placed into squads) and also volunteers for Zombie and other supporting roles. This game is only two weeks away so if you are keen get your name down ASAP.
Rules and briefings to follow.
IN - as human
Squad 1
Squad 2
Squad 3
Squad 4
Squad 5
IN - as zombie or supporting role
Boggis the cat
The Rules
FPS Rules
1.14 joules (equivalent 350fps on .2's)
Human hit rules
Any part of body, equipment or gun is a hit
When hit you may not move or talk other than to call for a medic
You can be dragged by any individual. Dragging must be two hands on and is at a slow walk.
Any human can medic a hit player - 10 second tag then 1 minute recovery in situ (refer dragging rule)
Call alive in 10 when 10 seconds remain before your respawn
A zombie can kill a human by grappling them with both hands, this counts as a hit and the player will follow the standard hit rules at this point.
Any player killed by a zombie can be mediced as normal by any other human, however, if they are not given antidote they must pick an infestation token.
Infestation Tokens
All players will be issue a number of infestation tokens at the start of the game, these will either contain the word "Infested" or "Not Infested".
When you come back to life after being killed by a zombie you will pick one of your tokens open it and read the contents.
If you draw an infested token you must sneak away from your squad and become a zombie within 10 minutes of reading the token
If you draw a not infested token you remain human
Whichever token you draw do not tell your squad
Bleed out
Bleed out time is 10 minutes
Apon bleeding out the player must return to the admin area before coming alive and rejoining the game
Zombie hit rules
Any part of body, equipment or gun is a hit
When hit drop to one knee for a minimum of 30 seconds
At any time after 30 seconds you may resume shambling - no alive in 10 required
Zombies cannot be knife killed
Zombies cannot be bang killed
Zombie rules
Zombies can not use guns
Zombies don't kill other zombies
A zombie can kill a human by grappling them with both hands, this counts as a hit and the player will follow the standard hit rules at this point.
When a zombie has killed three humans they will be cured and will revert to human form, at this point they may attempt to reunite with their squad and may begin using
their weapons again.
If a cured zombie is killed and not mediced they will revert to zombie state and begin the cycle again
Some squads will begin the game with limited supplies of a partial antiodote to zombieism. This must be administered before the player picks an infestation token. If
the antidote is administered in time the player will not pick an infestation token and will remain human.
Antidote is one use only, it does not make you imune to zombieism
Ammo limits
All human players will enter the game with only 100 bb's on their person
Zombie players enter the game with unlimited ammo - for use if cured, ammo is not able to be given to human players.
Supporting roles also may carry unlimited ammo, as with zombies this is not able to be given to human players.
bb supply tokens may be found in game, these will allow the player to resuply from their own bb's that have been left either at their car or at the admin area
Humans - standard airsoft kit.
Zombies - Preferably scruffy clothes, sidearm or primary weapon that is able to be slung.
Infested Areas
Some areas contain high levels of whatever is causing the zombie problem. If you spend excessive time in these areas you will have to pick an infestation token.
Areas are :
Penthouse - max time 1 minute
3rd floor D block - max time 2 minutes
Maps and team briefings will be issued at the game briefing.