Re: Game Sunday 14 February 2016
Eda wrote:Merlin, here's an illustration of how you can remain combat effective. This took me way too long to do at work using Paint.
This made me giggle! I appreciate the kind thoughts that went into it, especially as you clearly care about my knee - which you'll be pleased to know is mostly fine now. Still gives way occasionally, but that's normal, right?! I'm switching to out because the wife has a prior family commitment she says she told me about, but I "wasn't listening as usual" (She didn't tell me and she know's it)! (We only had the 1 car). I tried to pull the you shouldn't be meeting family on Valentines day, but that didn't work as we've never done anything for it and she immediately, jokingly replied, "So you shouldn't be going to play airsoft?"