Mon Dec 08, 2014 11:31 am by ReaperNet
This weekend boys! Note, time confirmed as 10am, Saturday. Will wrap up in the afternoon.
We'll also need volunteers to act as commanders.
Some rules have been posted up for this on the event page, in case you missed it:
Welcome to ‘The Front’ ladies and gents.
This is the first go finally at doing this, so give it an open mind and Im sure you will all enjoy it. This game in time will become a full on campaign fought over weekly, can be picked up and stopped over and over when we please. But the combat doesn’t-its designed to be unfair, non stop short sharp assaults and just all out warfare to attain and retain land fought for. Your commanders decisions will carry great weight as will your teams deployed assets or lack of. Also more importantly, your personal grit to break the back of a defensive line or to stubbornly fight tooth and nail for your land will be just as important.
Make those minutes, shots and lives count as they will affect your teams outcome.
Turn phase
Each ‘turn’ both commanders get 4 points at their disposal. These points can be chipped into opposing enemy grids, or onto their own. These act as personal and supply reinforcements.
1 point in attack= 2 additional respawns
2 points in attack= 3 additional respawns + 2 LMG
3 points in attack= 4 additional respawns
4 points in attack=5 additional respawns +4 LMG
0 points in defence= 1 respawn
1 point in defence= 2 additional respawns
2 points in defence= 3 additional respawns +1 LMG
3 points in defence= 4additional respawns
4 points in defence=5 additional respawns + 2 LMG
1 point to move a mortor a grid square (cant move diagonally).
Each team MUST use atleast 1 point in attack minimum per turn. The rest can be spent as they please. If both teams attack the same adjacent way-a coin toss tells which force was quicker to mobilise, and the corresponding spent points will convert into the assault/defence (later on if this game catches on and becomes a bi-weekly campaign scaled up, ‘meeting engagements’ will become another battle phase but Ill keep it simple this first time round).
Mortors are also a turn asset. Mortors must be adjacent the square they are attacking/defending. If mortors are in a zone that’s being attacked, they can still be used hands free, but if that zone is lost in that turn, they are lost to the team (unless they capture that zone back-enemy team cannot use them, only their own).
Mortor salvos can be called in twice per battle with a 2 minute call down between salvos. Mortors are called to game marshall, marshall has a luck system that determines casualties-which can be potentially quite devastating to very light.
Battle Phase
Attack and defense is very straight forward-defence must survive the 30 minute ordeal and keep their flag out of enemy hands to attain a successful defence of their battlefront sector.
Attack must take the enemy flag, or wipe out all defenders completely within 30 minutes. If successful they attain the new sector.
Defender respawning-spawn on baseline (or flag if no enemy within range). 30 sec spawn.
Attackers spawn on their corresponding baseline instantly.
Regardless of who you are, if your out of respawns-all dead gather outside of baseline together as marshalls need to make sure whos left and whose not.