Game Sunday 22nd March 2009
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JC_Ohope wrote:Sorry I'm out for this one.
Assignment due on friday
dude WTF? unless uni has changed since i was there, you pull an all nighter the night before it's due to do it. everyone did that

For anyone who is worried about weather, mouse and i will have a selection of harden the fuck up pills out there for you. They range from
"I'm pretty hard but just need to harden a little more" to "i'm soft as and need to harden right up"
now that does sound a little rude

Now to give you an example of how well these work, mouse took one before coming over last might to get his deans connectors soldered to his bats and guns. During a delicate solder operation on his M16, I accudentally touched his finger with the iron at 400degrees. He didn't actually notice until we smelt the burning flesh, and then refused to hold it under cold water stating "he had just hardened the fuck up".
ObsoleteAcey wrote:JC_Ohope wrote:Sorry I'm out for this one.
Assignment due on friday
dude WTF? unless uni has changed since i was there, you pull an all nighter the night before it's due to do it. everyone did thatSome of my best times at uni were during all nighters with half my elec class hahaha!
Ah yes, I would.... but...
Sadly its a group project and its not exactly going anywhere very fast and is worth a significant proportion of my mark (the whole project is worth 70% of that subject) I do need to do it well.
Now if I could convince my whole group to pull an all nighter

JC_Ohope wrote:Ah yes, I would.... but...
Sadly its a group project and its not exactly going anywhere very fast and is worth a significant proportion of my mark (the whole project is worth 70% of that subject) I do need to do it well.
Now if I could convince my whole group to pull an all nighter
I had an assignment like that last year. I found telling my group that if we got together and did a couple of hours I would shout them a round at the foundry. After that we got it done in a couple of days.

can someone please brings a battery [or 2] for Ungrim as he can't charge his for some reason. Needs to fit a M4, thanks. mini type with mini tam connectors
Last edited by slayer on Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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