The background story makes the NATO forces sound like the good guys, we all know that if Europe falls into war it will be because of Western Capitalism greed!!
it seems the airsoft gods hate me! .. I just figured out that this is the same weekend as my brother's 40th... so unless there is a major problem and the game is somehow miraculously moved to another date.. changing to OUT
Ok... the GODs are smiling again and I'm back in. I'll also have a plus 1. any spare gear would be appreciated, as he wears glasses and I'm not sure my eye-pro will fit him, if someone has spare webbing that'd be a great help (I spoke to MilsimNZ (rabbit I think??) and ran it by him to make sure it was ok to bring him along..)
Hi all, Shaun is ordering smoke grenades this Friday so if you want any contact me on Facebook please or through josh. I'm also needing to have an event meeting with Tim and josh so can anyone tell me when he will be back to sort a meeting time plz.
Arrive at field 9:30 am. Game on, Saturday 11.00am - Game ends, Sunday 11.00am 2270 Old West Coast Rd (20 minutes drive from Christchurch)
Make sure your kits are ready!
If anyone else would like to participate I need confirmation by 1700 Thursday 14/08/2014! - We will accept people leaving early if they have other commitments - please PM me if this is the case.