Operation Colombian Dawn

Operation Colombian Dawn: Back Story
Colombia is the world's leading supplier of refined cocaine and a growing supplier of heroin, especially to the United States. Colombia's territory is [/img]also the second-largest area under coca cultivation. Despite the death of Medellin cartel drug lord Pablo Escobar in 1993 and the arrests of major Cali cartel kingpins in 1995 and 1996, the Colombian drug cartels remain among the most sophisticated criminal organizations in the world. They control cocaine processing, international wholesale distributionchains, and markets
On March 1, 1996 and again on February 28, 1997, President Clinton made the decision not to certify Colombia as fully cooperating with the U.S. or taking adequate steps on its own to meet the objectives of the 1988 UN Convention on drugs. The U.S. concluded that there was a lack of effort at the top levels of Colombia's government to push for legislative and judicial reforms to strengthen Colombian government institutions' ability to fight narco-trafficking. Under the certification legislation, the U.S. Government was required to halt non-humanitarian and non-counternarcotics aid to Colombia and to vote against loans to Colombia by certain multilateral development banks. U.S. law provides for the discretionary imposition of economic sanctions, which were not imposed
On February 26, 1998, the President determined that the vital national interests of the United States require that U.S. assistance to Colombia be provided to meet the increasing challenges posed to counternarcotics efforts in Colombia. The President thus granted Colombia a national interests certification, which waives the restrictions of decertification and allows for broader U.S. engagement with Colombia in the fight against illegal narcotics.
This current game scenario is in the planning stages but will be the next combined club game to be played at the TAG fields.
Game Organizers are:
Operation Colombian Dawn
Event Date 21/04/07
Start Time 9:00am
Finish: Dependant on players on the day but no later than 5:00pm
Event Day Outline:
At 9:00am all participants are to assemble at the gate located to the left just before the large rise in the road that becomes part of the fire brake.

The gate will be open from between 9:00 to 9:30 after that it will be closed/ locked and any late comers will have to walk in with their gear!
Please note there are only two key holders and the keys themselves are not transferable.
Time line:
Arrive at gates then make your way to the field car park area. Once there crono guns and check that they are or will be used in accordance to the rules of the day in regards to FPS and description of use for example:
A player is deemed HIT when any part of their body or direct personal equipment is hit by a BB shot at them by the enemy or by way of friendly fire from a member of their own team.
Any part of the body means exactly that, any part, be it the tip of a boot or finger to an ear!
Direct personal equipment refers to any equipment that the player is in contact with at the time of being shot this includes items such as: