Away Game: Op. Scav Hunt. MAG Field, Sunday 02/08/2015
MAG are hosting an interclub this weekend at their field.
Arrive: 1000, Sunday 2nd of August
Location: Click here. MAG field, Chattertons Rd, Mcleans Island (near Ultimate Game)
Price: Gold coin donation.
Mission Overview:
This will be set around 2 to 4 teams with each team working from a base, sending out patrols to locate and retrieve items scattered around the field and return them to their base.
They must also protect their base as it can be raided by the other teams.
Some items are points based and some items will give the team that recovers them a tactical advantage for a short period of time over the other teams.
Additional info on the facebook page, link below.
Link to Facebook event.
If you're keen please visit the facebook events page and select attending.
If you don't have facebook (flazzbog) and you're keen to attend, please let me know - I'll add you as a +1.
Our usual Sunday game will resume 09/08/2015.