MilSim hosted by Tactical Airsoft Group Inc.
Link to facebook event!
This will be an airsoft military simulation game with limited ammo and rolling objectives. There will be 2 forces, each split into multiple squads consisting of a team leader, radio operator, medic and engineer. These squads will fall under the command of a smaller command squad consisting of a commander, company communications officer and admin officer.
The event will be free and open to any airsoft player over 16 years old. All is ammo provided and we will be using standard ASNZ FPS limits. Please arrive promptly to ensure your squads can be allocated and briefings given. Additionally, due to the need to resource this game it is important that you register your attendance as early as possible.
You may register as individual players or up to 4 man fireteams.
To help us accurately gauge how many players will be attending, please complete this short Google form:
Registrations now closed.
NATO & Russia will have squads made up as follows:
1x Command Squad
Platoon Commander
Platoon Comms Officer
Platoon Admin Officer
Infantry Squads
Squad Sergeant
Squad Comms
Squad Medic
Squad Engineer/Interpreter
---- Update: 14/04/2016 ----
0830: gates open - you will be instructed to park on the road.
0830-0930: Weapon 'chronoing' and pre deployment admin
1000: Group briefing - Gates Lock
1015: Deployment - Team briefing with your CO etc
4:00: Approximate Finish Time
The Scenario:
Attempts at a diplomatic solution have failed, the forces of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and the Kosovo Albanian rebel group known as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) are at war.
A joint NATO-Russian peacekeeping force is to be installed in Kosovo.
A United States battalion, together with British, German, French and Italian battalions, known as Kosovo Force (KFOR) is to push into Pristina and secure the airfield.
However, Russia had expected to receive a peacekeeping sector independent of NATO, and are angered because this was refused. As such they have dispatched a column of about thirty Russian armoured vehicles carrying 250 Russian troops to capture the airfield ahead of NATO. Tensions are high. All out war and a resumption of the cold war stands on the edge of a knife.
Update 06/04/2016: Additional Rules may be found here.
Update 14/04/2016: Slightly earlier start time to ensure enough time for deployment. Please arrive on-time and ready to play.