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Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08



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Post Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:39 pm

Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08

MilSim hosted by Tactical Airsoft Group Inc.

The Scenario:
Mexico, 2019, after 3 years of conflict a ceasefire is established between the Los Viboras Commandos and the Mexican Federal Government. As part of the negotiations, a prisoner exchange is to take place. Mexican Naval Infantry, supported by their US DEA advisors are moving deep within Viper controlled territory.

This will be an airsoft military simulation game with magazine restrictions and rolling objectives.
ASNZ FPS limits in place with limitations around full auto.
The event will be free and open to any airsoft player over 16 years old.
This will also be an interclub, I will put the word out!

Where: Tactical Airsoft Group Greenfield
When: October 08 2016
1330: Gates open - you will be instructed to park at the entrance to the field. Weapon 'chronoing' and pre deployment admin.
1430: Briefing
1445: Teams move to deployment
1500: Operation Begins
2100: Approximate Finish Time


Players may join as individuals or in groups of up to 5. Please indicate your team preference. As players register, I will open additional positions.

Friendly Forces:

US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Uniform: Any US uniform
Delta1 - TF33
1-1 - Simon
1-2 -Francesca
1-3 -Bill
1-4 -Aaron
1-5 -Gabor
1-6 -Deane
Delta2 - ACG
2-1 - Ben
2-2 - Tom
2-3 - Matt
2-4 - Jamie
2-5 - Craig
2-6 - Alex

Mexico Naval Infantry (Marines)
Uniform: Any woodland uniform
Platoon Commander: Señor Poncho (MONGOOSE ACTUAL)
Mongoose 1 - TAG
1-1 - Sasquatch
1-2 - Gluteu5
1-3 - Ghosthunter
1-4 - Ghosthunter+1
1-5 - Tech (Sniper)
Mongoose 2 - TAG
2-1 - Eda
2-2 - Pyrrhic
2-3 - Sparrow
2-4 - Hawk
2-5 - Monty
Mongoose 3 - TCA (Ashburton)
3-1 - Pingham
3-2 - Nacho
3-3 - Peanut
3-4 - Swifty
3-5 - Cheerio
Mongoose 4 - OPEN
Mongoose 5 - SCAR
5-1 - Rafen
5-2 - Bogan
5-3 - Mat
5-4 - John (CSG)
5-5 - Straightjacket (Sniper)

Enemy Forces:

Los Víboras Commandos (Vipers)


Viper Commander: Miguel Chávez
Second in Command: José Bueno
Viper 1 - MAG
1-1 - Rouge Trooper
1-2 - Spectre
1-3 - Werewolf
1-4 - Joseph
1-5 - Joe
Viper 2 - ACG
2-1 - Jimmy
2-2 - Ezra (Sniper)
2-3 - Dariu
2-4 - Joachim
2-5 - William
2-6 - Brett
2-7 - Caleb
Viper 3 - ACG
3-1 - Michael
3-2 - Scott
3-3 - Jason
3-4 - Vinnie
3-5 - Jerry
3-6 - Alaister (Automatic Rifleman)
Viper 4 - MAG
4-1 - Redbeard
4-2 - Elmo
4-3 - Buckshot
4-4 - NZ Smurf
4-5 - Tim
4-6 - Brad
Viper 5 - CSG
5-1 - Guardian
5-2 - Guardian +1
5-3 - Guardian +2
5-4 - Sneakers
5-5 - Skullmemes

Uniform: Permitted to wear only one piece of camouflaged uniform. Mask to protect identity recommended. E.G.: Balaclava, bandana, shemagh or facemask.

Background: Violent crime syndicate primarily made up of Mexican Special Forces deserters. Estimated 40-60 personnel. Equipment primarily seized from local military bases, law enforcement and black-market trading. Responsible for sabotaging key US interests in South America and increasingly, domestic attacks, including recent attacks on Las Vegas, Houston and Miami. Considered the most technologically advanced, sophisticated, and dangerous cartel operating in South America with links to international terror cells. Attacks are primarily funded through narcotic manufacturing and distribution. They are led by Miguel Chávez.


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Post Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:40 pm

Re: Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08

Game Rules:

Tactical Airsoft Group General Rules and Info
  • Game will commence even if weather conditions are poor.
  • If you’re new to our field you will need to sign one of our waivers.
  • Players must be chrono’d and ready to play by 14:30. If you’re not ready, you will not be able to play.
  • Due to our lease agreement with ECAN, sources of ignition are not permitted to be used on the field. No smoking on the field.
  • Parking will be at the entrance.
  • Don’t forget to enough bring water and food for a 6 hour continuous operation.
  • BIO BBs are required to be used as part of our lease with ECAN. BBs will be for available for purchase.
  • Lasers are not permitted to be used on the field out of eye-safety concerns.

FPS Limits:
ASNZ Standard FPS limits in effect:
  • A weapon firing 350 FPS (1.13 Joules) or under has no M.E.D
  • A weapon firing from 351 FPS up to 420 FPS (1.63 Joules) has a 10m M.E.D
  • A weapon firing from 420 FPS up to 600 FPS (2.80 Joules) has a 20m M.E.D
  • No weapon may fire over 600 FPS.

Gun Class Restrictions:

  • Pistols can fire up to a maximum of 350 FPS (1.13 Joules).
  • AEGs, GBB rifles and shotguns can fire up to a maximum of 420 FPS (1.63 Joules).
  • Single action rifles can fire up to a maximum of 600 FPS (2.80 Joules).

Full Auto Restrictions:
Only players designated as squad automatic rifleman may use full auto. This is restricted to one per squad.

Primary Weapon Magazine Limits:
Please observe the following magazine/ammo restrictions. For the purpose of this scenario the restrictions are:
  • “Hi-Caps” You may carry 1 magazine if it holds greater than 250 rounds
  • “Mid-Caps” You may carry 3 magazines if it holds between 101 and 249 rounds
  • “Low-Caps” You may carry 6 magazines if it holds 100 rounds or less
  • Players using a box, drum or similar magazine with a capacity greater than 600 rounds are considered a squad automatic rifleman (support). Only one of these weapons per squad is permitted.

This restriction is in place in the spirit of fairness, realism and simply to add the consideration of ammo management.
Players may keep additional ammo at their rally point but may only rearm as directed. Refer to your mission pack at the beginning of each phase.

Secondary Weapon Magazine Limits:
  • Players may carry a maximum of 3 magazines for their secondary weapon.
  • Secondary weapons must have a magazine capacity less than 40 rounds.

Squad Structure:
Players are encouraged to attend in teams of 5. Your squad will likely be variation of the following:
  • Team Leader
  • Rifleman
  • Rifleman
  • Automatic Rifleman
  • Medic (2IC)

Hit Rules
  • A hit to your person or any piece of equipment attach to your person counts as a hit.
  • When you are hit, reveal your hitmarker/red light marker and where possible, lay down. You are now wounded.
  • A wounded player must remain in place for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes the player has the option to "bleed out" or continue to wait in place for a maximum time of 15 minutes at which point the player must bleed out.
  • A bleed out player must return directly to their team’s rally point or deployment and cannot change their mind.

Medic Rules
  • While a player is wounded and before they bleed out, a medic may 'heal' a wounded player.
  • To heal a wounded player a medic must sling their rifle and place two hands on the friendly player’s torso for 60 seconds.
  • At the conclusion of 60 seconds seconds. The healed player calls “alive” and may rejoin the operation.
  • Wounded players cannot move under their own force. They must be physically shifted by a friendly, alive player. If a player cannot be shifted secure the area instead before providing treatment.
  • Players designated as a medic must be selected prior to game start. You may not change who is a medic during game. Each squad is restricted to one medic per.
  • A player’s bleed out timer stops when they are being healed by a medic.
  • [NEW]A medic may be healed by two friendly players. Both players must place two hands on the wounded medic for 60 seconds.

Rally Points
  • Rally points are an additional, forward spawn point, identified by your team’s offloaded gear. The rally point is shared by your entire team.
  • There is a respawn window every 15 minutes, E.G: 15:00, 15:15, 15:30, 15:45, etc. During these windows, reinforcements and bleed out players join the operation.
  • Rally points can be shifted, determined by your team commander.
  • Rally points must be placed within 50m of the field’s border and within friendly or neutral territory.
  • You may not interfere with another team’s rally point and if discovered should be ignored.
  • Alternatively, players may spawn at their original deployment. The same respawn window every 15 minutes, E.G: 15:00, 15:15, 15:30, 15:45, etc. is in effect.

Essential Equipment Checklist
  • Flashlight (sundown is at 1945)
  • Redlight to indicate you are wounded at night. E.G.: V-lite, electronic glowsitck, headtorch with red filter, rear bikelight, anything!
  • Pack to carry your food, water and spare equipment into the field (to be stowed at your rally point).



Radio Channels
Team / channel / frequency

DEACOM / 01 / 476.4250
DEA / 03 / 476.4750
DEA / 05 / 476.5250

MARCOM / 09 / 476.6250
MAR / 11 / 476.6750
MAR / 13 / 476.7250
MAR / 15 / 476.7750
MAR / 17 / 476.8250

EVENT / 20 / 476.9000

VPRCOM / 23 / 476.9750
VPR / 25 / 477.0250
VPR / 27 / 477.0750
VPR / 29 / 477.1250
VPR / 31 / 477.1750


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Post Wed Sep 07, 2016 8:23 am

Re: Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08

I'll be there.


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Post Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:09 am

Re: Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08

3 squad positions left on the Marine team!


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Post Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:18 am

Re: Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08

En México de infantería de marina!


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Post Wed Sep 07, 2016 3:11 pm

Re: Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08



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Post Wed Sep 07, 2016 8:51 pm

Re: Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08



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Post Thu Sep 08, 2016 11:17 am

Re: Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08

I'm in... in in!!!!!


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Post Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:54 am

Re: Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08

Haven't really done a milsim game yet, but I'll be keen as


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Post Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:03 pm

Re: Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08

Where's MTP going? I'm assuming with the US Multicam, as it's not too different?

I'm in.


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Post Tue Sep 20, 2016 6:27 pm

Re: Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08



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Post Thu Sep 22, 2016 5:22 pm

Re: Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08

Put me down for a TAG squad. Will wear digital woodland? Also can RPK/full-auto for the squad if needed.


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Post Thu Sep 22, 2016 6:49 pm

Re: Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08

I have mate that wants to join in, he's a member of ACG and hasnt played in a milsim yet.


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Post Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:57 am

Re: Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08

ghosthunter wrote:I have mate that wants to join in, he's a member of ACG and hasnt played in a milsim yet.

That's cool. I'm working with Ben to coordinate the ACG guys, or would he prefer to be assigned to a TAG squad?


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Post Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:50 pm

Re: Operation Viper’s Nest - MilSim Oct 08

I feel that he would do better with a Tag squad. if you can, put him in with me.
ps... dynamo is back in chch and would very much join in the fun! :D

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