SPECIAL OPERATION - North Canterbury - Sunday 15/05/2022

NB: This is a similar area nearby, not the actual terrain.
DATE: 0900,15/05/2022 [Sunday]
GROUND: Outside Amberley, North Canterbury
SITUATION:Through Poncho's connections we have secured access to play on a new, private field in North Canterbury, just outside of Amberley.
A test game is being organised and is limited to 30 member's only.
The field is a mixture of pastural hills and overgrown gullies. The area we intend to use is 2.5km long. Game is expected to run for 6 hours.
The low ground can get wet and boggy, a change of clothes for after is highly recommended!
In the event of heavy rain, the contingency day will be 17/07/2022
PRICE: $15. Included is a replica tourniquet which will be used for the game's medic rules and a small koha to the land owner.
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 38-9007-0258646-00
REFERENCE: Please use your forum name
- IN:
- Poncho -Paid
- ReaperNet
- Flazzbog - Paid -out
- Spartan - Paid
- Werewolf - Paid
- Joker - Paid
- Bones - Paid
- Bhudda - Paid
- Tech - Paid
- Riot - Paid
- Stones - Paid
- Sorgens - Paid
- Honey-badger - Paid
- Zionks - Paid
- La la - Paid
Mission Brief
Ground - Mission is located in Southeast Asia, an area that borders Thailand, Laos and Myanmar. The area overlaps the hills of the three adjacent countries. The CIA commonly refers to it as the golden triangle.
Situation - The CIA has been conducting surveillance missions with long range UAV’s on a local drug trafficking group, commonly named as Black Tiger Group (BTG). As of 1400 hrs yesterday the CIA lost communications with one of their UAV’s over the Golden triangle region. It is believed that it was shot down by the Black Tiger Group, last known location was in the valley marked on map. The CIA is deploying one of their Ground Branch teams stationed nearby to recover the UAV as the intelligence it contains is crucial to the mission and the CIA’s involvement in the region.
Mission - To locate the UAV and retrieve the hard drives containing the intelligence.
Execution - CIA Ground Branch will be deployed approximately 3km from the UAV’s believed crash site. Command has mapped the best infiltration route and set waypoint markers for your team.
The area is deep in BTG territory, this is a covert operation and therefore it must remain that CIA never put boots on the ground, ROE is free.
Once you have located and retrieved the intel, radio command to extraction.
Admin - Command radio channel - 20
When a BB hits you, or any equipment you’re carrying, including packs and guns you are now wounded.
A wounded player remains in place for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, that player has bled out and must return to the previously controlled waypoint to respawn.
To revive a wounded player, any friendly player can attach a tourniquet. The tourniquet must be fitted to an “upper” limb. EG: on the leg past the knee or on the arm past the elbow. The tourniquet must be secured using the velcro but don’t tighten the windlass/crank.
As soon as the tourniquet is secure, the player is alive.
If a player is hit a second time once a tourniquet is applied they are KIA and must wait 5 minutes in place before returning to the previous waypoint.
A player wearing both a ballistic helmet and plate carrier complete with front and back plates can be revived twice (ie: 2 tourniquets attached). NB: replica helmets, plates are accepted.
After bleeding out or KIA and returning to a previous waypoint, players can remove any tourniquets and reuse them.
Each player on the (ATTACKING) team carries one tourniquet.
Medic’s carry additional torniquests for the team to use.
A Medic can remove a player’s tourniquet at a previously controlled waypoint. This process takes 1 minute per player. Removed tourniquets can be returned to the player to be reused.
As the attackers fight towards their mission there will be waypoints markers along the way. These waypoints markers will allow the attacking team to respawn, medics to remove tourniquets and to reload on ammo.
Waypoints will be marked out with a cloured flags that the attacking team must collect on the way to complete their mission.
Red waypoints will allow respawning and removal tourniquets.
Green waypoints will allow the above and reloading of ammo.
Waypoints will be approximately 100 to 200 meters apart.
All weapons are limited to 1.13 Joules (350 fps).
There will be snipers allowed at higher fps limit but will be limited to 2 on the attacking team and 1 on defence. You will need to ask organisers if you wish to snipe. Snipers must carry a working sidearm under 1.13 Joules.
CIA Ground Branch - Any BDU’s allowed, all weapons allowed.
Black Tiger Group - Only one piece of woodland BDU allowed, all weapons allowed.
Must have:
- -Main weapon and secondary (1.13 Joules)
-BDU - clothing
-Boots - Waterproof if you have them
-Chest rig/Plate carrier
-Belt system
-Safety glasses
-Headwear - helmet/hat
-Bio BBS
-Spare clothing once the game is finished. (You will get wet)
-Water and food
Optional but recommended:
- -Radio
-Face protection
-Backpack to carry water, food, bbs
-Spare weapon batteries or gas