TAG XMAS GAME + BBQ + BOOT SALE - 22/12/2024
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Re: TAG XMAS GAME + BBQ + BOOT SALE - 22/12/2024
IN and have boot to sale
Re: TAG XMAS GAME + BBQ + BOOT SALE - 22/12/2024
IN!!! - about time I get out to a game
Re: TAG XMAS GAME + BBQ + BOOT SALE - 22/12/2024
In. Will bring out some gear to sell
Will have a +1
Will have a +1
Last edited by Tooks21 on Fri Dec 20, 2024 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: TAG XMAS GAME + BBQ + BOOT SALE - 22/12/2024
Hope you are all as excited as I am. Couple of things to note regarding the game:
Hope you are all as excited as I am. Couple of things to note regarding the game:
- As outlined in the first post, this is essentially an extraction game mode. You and your squad will be fighting over 'loot drops'. The location of the loot drop will be broadcast over radio to all teams.
- Maps will be supplied.
- Once you have collected sufficient loot you need to extract it.
- To extract loot, move to the radio station and use the supplied radio + code phrase to request extraction via NORTH GROUP
- Obviously teams are vulnerable to have loot pillaged at any time.
- NORTH GROUP will arrive ASAP and extract your loot at the requested grid square.
- NORTH GROUP group will take a small cut to facilitate the loot extraction and your team have just made bank!
- NORTH GROUP will not fire on the squad that requested extraction.
- NORTH GROUP will aggressively push any team camping the radio station off.
- NORTH GROUP is the TAG Committee (+/- a couple depending on numbers) and will utilise vehicles.
- Vehicles are transport only and are not armed. Do not shoot at players entering, exiting, or traveling in vehicles.
- Teams will be allocated on the day. Please don't be late.
- Radios and a small loot carrying backpack are recommended.
- You will need to be self sufficient in game and carry your own food and water.
Re: TAG XMAS GAME + BBQ + BOOT SALE - 22/12/2024
In. Will have a root around for loot to sell outta my boot.
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