ASNZ Nationals 2022 - Feb 5 to 6 - Christchurch

No usual games this weekend as TAG are hosting the ASNZ Nationals 2022 at our field!
Saturday the 5th of February 2022:
Day 1 is the Competition day. Registrations have closed for new teams to attend. TAG members and helpers, your instructions can be found here (LINK)!
Sunday the 6th of February 2022:
Day 2 is the MilSim day. The scenario and rules can be found here (LINK).
Non Members, if you want to join us for the MilSim only, it's $20 for the day.
To avoid disappointment, please post IN so we know you are attending. We may not be able to accommodate "walk-ins" on the day.
We anticipate 80+ players and we need to closely monitor numbers so we don't go over the 100 person event maximum (COVID protection framework).
Any questions let us know!